Working of Google Analytics | Bounce Rate | Integration with Adwords

Google Analytics to get insights about what’s happening on your website. So, once you’ve signed in you just want to click on the name of your blog or website. So, I’ve opened up the Google Analytics account . Troy is one of our employees here at Powered by Search. So what you first see when you log in is this graph over here and this graph represents number of visits per day.

And you can go to the top right hand corner over here and change the date range and you can change it to anything, for today, yesterday, last week, last month. I am going to change this to last month. So, now this is going to show the statistics for January 2014. Another interesting thing you can do is you can change it to hourly, weekly, monthly.

So you can choose to analyze the data according to your needs. So below the graph over here you can see there are a lot of numbers, a lot of different terms and these terms might sound confusing or even similar, so I am going to tell you the difference between all of them. So, let’s start off with visits. Visits may mean the number of individual sessions initiated by all the visitors to your site.

Google Analytics
Google Analytics

So, if a user is inactive on your site for 30 minutes or more any future activity is counted as a new session. So, any user that leaves your site and returns within 30 minutes is counted as one visit. So, basically a user can open multiple visits and those visits can occur on the same day or even over several days. And there maybe two methods by which a visit ends.

One is after every 30 minutes of inactivity by the user and the other one is at the end of the day at midnight. Moving on to the next term here is unique visitors. Unique visitors are simply the total number of people that visited your blog for a specific time period. And this has nothing to do with the number of pages they visited or how long they stayed on the blog.

It’s just the total number of people that opened your blog. Moving on to page views. Page views are the total number of pages loaded on the blog for a specific time period. So each time a page is opened on the browser a page view is recorded. Pages per visit. Pages per visit are the calculations of the average number of pages per visitor. So, on an average each visitor viewed between one to two pages per visit. Average visit duration is the average time spent on the blog by each visitor.

So a lot of it is coming from Google and it is organic traffic which is excellent. A lot of it is direct, some of it is from Facebook and then we have some other sites over here which are referral sites that actually is good.

Google AdWords is an excellent place to be if you have an AdWords campaign going on and you can link your AdWords account to your analytics account and get plenty of information on how your campaign is doing. And linking your AdWords and your analytics to each other is highly recommended because it allows you to view your AdWords quick and cost data alongside your analytic site engagement data.

Attribution modeling is basically concerned with determining the value of each customer touch point that leads to a conversion and it really helps in understanding your customer’s journey. So, to make an attribution model you click on new attribution model and you give your model a name. I am not going to actually make it but I’ll give you a brief introduction of it.

So, when you define channel grouping you specify which channels belong to which label. And then we have custom alerts. So Google Analytics has an engine that monitors your traffic and your posts and alerts if it sees something unusual. So, if your traffic drastically drops it will alert you. Let’s try creating one. You are going to click on new alert. And I am going to make an alert for, when the traffic increases to over 2000 page visits a month.

And this is something that you would want to use when there is a promotional offer going on, on your site. In position based 40{eea649be9b20682a45e14e059f7d304179b764c13e2b0eb817781d5b47685231} of the credit is given to the first and the last interaction and the remaining get 20{eea649be9b20682a45e14e059f7d304179b764c13e2b0eb817781d5b47685231} distributed amongst them evenly. So that was just a brief explanation of attribution model. And then we have custom channel grouping. A channel grouping is a set of labels where each label is applied to a channel or a group of channels that you would like to see in your reports.

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