Use of Google Analytics for Google Ads Campaign ROI Tracking

So, it is quite helpful. And once you have that done you can check out how your campaign is going, adjust, have a look at your keywords and clicks and match search queries which allows you to see search queries that match your keyword list and to see how people are searching related to your products/services and refine your keywords accordingly. Day parts over here let you view your stats based on specific hour of the day and day of the week depending on your time zone.

And this is great if you are selling products or services within a particular region or country and this is an advantage to those people who want to target their ads to specific hours of the day or the days of the week. But if you are selling worldwide, this won’t be of much concern to you.

Then we have destination URLs, which tells you about the URLs on your site, to which your redirected visitors from your AdWords ad. The next thing that we have is the placement tool, and it is actually quite similar to search focus keyword to an AdWords.

Google Analytics
Google Analytics

And it helps you in locating placements to target, so you can punch in a word or phrase and get back recommended placements. Input a URL of the site you would like to advertise on or a category of sites that you are interested in. And keyword position over here lets you see the keywords for which your ads were displayed and the number of visitors those ads brought to your site and which positions these ads appeared in the search results.

And then after AdWords we have social. Social displays the amount of visits that came from social networks. So if I click on overview it tells me that from 1203 visits last month, 22 came from social networking sites. So it tells us which sites those visits came from. Such as Facebook, Twitter and some other sites over here you can also click on view for report to go into details. So, compared to 1200 plus visits 22 is quite a low number and this is something that can definitely be improved because we all know the power of social media in bringing in traffic for blogs.

If you click on network referrals here on the side it lets us go into more depth and tells us how many visits came from each network, how many page views were generated and how the visitors from each social network stayed on the site. So it gives you insights on how each social network is performing, which ones are your top networks and the ones you need to concentrate on more.

Then we have data hub activity. Which generates a report which shows us how people are talking about and engaging with your site on social networks. And it hasn’t been activated over here but it allows me to see the most recent URLs people have shared, where they have shared them and what they’ve said. But mainly in order for this to work you need to publish a global activity feed from your social network and those feeds need to be delivered to the social data hub.

And this blog has not done that so unfortunately I can’t go into much detail here. But after that we have landing pages, which shows you the pages people are landing on from social networks and on the side here we have a bunch of metrics that we’ve seen before and we discussed and it’s all pretty self-explanatory so I am not going to get into that. But if I click on one of the URLs it tells me how many clicks came from which social network and it also gives me two graphs over here which shows me the visit for the URL versus the visits from the social network.

Then we have track backs which let you know which sites on the internet are talking about your content and linking to it. So it lets you see all the back link URLs to your site. So, in the month of January Troy got a link from the Powered by Search blog for one of the articles that he wrote. Moving on to conversions. The conversions report lets you know the value of your social traffic. So it shows the number of conversions that took place and the monetary value of each of them.

Plugins let you know which social sharing or following buttons are clicked on and for which content. So if you have a Google plus one button or a Facebook like button on your site you would want to have this section functioning so you can know which articles of yours are being liked or shared or plus oned and are socially successful.

Lastly we have visitors flow. Which is just like the visitors flow chart we saw earlier except that this time it shows visits coming from social networks, but you can change that to anything you like of course. Moving on to search engine optimization. If I click on queries it shows me what people are filling into Google to reach your blog. So these are the keywords and key phrases people are filling into Google and your site is showing up for them and people are clicking on it and reaching your site. So shows in impressions that how many times you are showing up for the specific keyword and it shows you how many clicks you are getting for the number of impressions.

And then based on these two numbers it shows you through it. An interesting thing over here that shows is your average position. So it is telling me that speaking skills has an average position of number three on Google and of course that moves up and down.

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