Website Traffic analysis using Google Analytics

That just changed to one visitor. So, it tells us that this visitor is from Ottawa and is viewing the about page. It also tells us the page views per minute. So one page view for the last minute, page views per second and if I click on traffic sources it tells me that the person is viewing the about page and the person directly came to the site. So real time is great for showing you who is on your site. It may not always be a 100{eea649be9b20682a45e14e059f7d304179b764c13e2b0eb817781d5b47685231} accurate but it is still really interesting to look at.

So since this visitor came to the site directly by just punching in the URL into the address bar above, it doesn’t tell us what the referral sources or social sources, because it didn’t come from a social media source or a referral source, but if there were more than one visitor, if there were five or six visitors and one of them came from a referral source it would have shown up over here. It also does not tell us about the keywords and that’s just how Google Analytics is, sometimes is doesn’t give you information about keywords, but that’s just how it is working.

Google Analytics
Google Analytics

So, real time is actually very interesting. And then we have audience. Just going to click on overview, so it brings us back to the exact same graph that we saw at the beginning of this video. So you have a graph over here, you have the terms and you can click it to hourly, daily, monthly, weekly.

You can change the date range, you have a pie chart over here, so all the same things we saw above. Now one thing that I didn’t discuss in detail before was about language, demographics and all that. So, if I click on language it tells me about the different languages that the people are speaking who are visiting the blog. Country tells me which country they are coming from, so United States is bringing in the most traffic and India is number 2 and if I click on city it tells me how much traffic is coming from which cities.

And I can also view the information of the browser, which browser they are using while browsing the site, the operating system they are using, which service provider they are using and just a lot of information like that. So these are just some of the more technical things that you can have a look into. Tells you about their screen resolution, so that’s something that you can look into.

And it could be important to you for the design of the website. So, basically all of these things are there in the side bar as well. And if I click on visitors this really interesting sort of map thing pops up. So this shows us where the visitors are coming from if that’s what you choose. It’s really interesting because it shows you the path that your visitors take while they are on your site. So right now it is set to country, I could change that to anything that I like. Let’s change that to source.

Now it completely changes and it tells us where the people are coming from and where they are going. So it tells us that for the month of January 2014, 990 people came from Google, and some people came directly, some people came through Facebook and some other sources. So people who came from Google mainly went to this page over here, so this tells us that this is one of the top performing pages, I guess something that would have a great rank in Google, some of them went to this page over here and just various pages on the website.

So it mainly tells us where they came from, the first page they viewed, next page they viewed and which were some of the exit pages. So you can sort of trace the path that the visitors went through while they were on the site. Where they came from where they went after that. So it is showing me that some people came from Google and they went to this page over here, how to speak clearly then they went to this one over here, how to improve speaking skills in seven steps, then they went to 13 additional pages.

So it tells me a lot about source they are coming from, starting pages, first interactions, second interaction. And one thing that I can see over here is that most of the Google traffic is leaving through this page over here but the visitors are not visiting any page after this. This is one of the exit pages. So just like real time one of the really interesting things that you can have a look at in Google Analytics, you can also change the level of detail.

You can go towards show more connections and really go into the details of the visitors flow. After audience we have acquisition. We click on overview and this is one of my favorite parts of Google Analytics because it tells you where your visitors came from, how you acquired them. So it tells you how many of them came from Google through organic search, how many directly punched in your URL into the address bar and came to your site, how many came through referral sources, social and other sources.

If you click on these over here it gives you a lot more information in depth. So, I can click on channels, it will tell me all the channels, it will tell me the visits per channel, percentage of new visits, the amount of new visits, the bounce rates, it gives me all of that information for all the different channels. And for even more information I can click on all traffic over here and it will tell me the names and the URLs of the places where the traffic is coming from.

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