Components of Digital Marketing

Now, these are examples of SMS marketing. As we all know that most of the time you see or you get a number of promotional messages on your mobile or on a mobile number.

So this is… this is a part of SMS marketing and it is also very important in digital marketing. So these are number ways with the help of these activities you can promote your business Online. Now, we would cover the types of digital marketing. What other types of digital marketing?. So what we will cover? first, i will show all types of marketing Okay.

So guys, these are the marketing types. Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Video Marketing marketing, Content Marketing, Email marketing, SMS marketing and Affilaite Marketing. These are the main Key parts of marketing I would say.

So in the search engine marketing Why it’s called Search Engine Marketing? I tell you, see these other channels plus just see the channels. This is search engine. So we are promoting our product. and we are doing a digital activity on search engine so that why its called Search Engine Marketing. SEM – so SEM stands for search engine marketing.

Components of Digital Marketing

Similarly, If we are promoting our products on social media so that would be called Social Media Marketing and the short form is SMM. If you are doing any video marketing, so that would be video marketing. It’s simple as it is clear by its name and then content marketing. In Content marketing, if you are promoting your products through content then we are doing content outreach.

We are creating a personal blog, WordPress blog and then we are engaging people with those particular blogs so that will be the content marketing because we are using the content part of our strategy. So that is called content marketing.

Then if you are promoting or using email marketing or using any emails to promote the service, this would be email marketing, then similarly, the SMS marketing- if you are using any sms activities that would be SMS marketing and then Affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is quite different as compared to other marketing. Let me just give you a brief about marketing because it’s a very big topic so we can not cover the whole Affiliate marketing. So that’s why I will tell you the brief about this Affiliate marketing. So what is Affiliate marketing guys? Affiliate Marketing its called the commission base marketing.

Its so simple like – let’s suppose you have a shop. right…. You have a shop of shoes and you have 2-3 friends, so you said to your friends like-” listen guys I have started my new shop of shoes and if you give me two or five customer in a week then I will give you 20 percent discount on every shoe especially for you”. So it means you’re giving commission to your friends or anybody.

So this is called the commission based marketing. So in Affiliate marketing, basically you provide some commissions and then on the basis of that particular commission, the person which is promoting your product will use a different channel, will lose their own channel their own audience to sell your product.

And when the product is sold or converted means product has been purchased, then he will get commission from you. Whichever, percentage you have mentioned in your affilate marketing or commission marketing. So that’s called the Affiliate marketing. Now See, the search engine marketing. So what we do basically in search engine marketing.

In search engine marketing we generally do two activities. which are very important . First, is called search engine optimization and then second is called PPC – Pay Per Click Ads. This is the paid advertisement by the way and for doing PPC you must have an account of Google Adwords. It is a tool for running PPC advertisement. Right…. So these are the two that we do in the search engine marketing which is SEO & PPC Ads. right..

Similarly, in social media marketing. We optimize our content, we optimize our campaign first and then again we also do those advertisement part which is called paid Ads or sponsored Ads. What are the channels? Most important channels are Facebook, Youtube, Linkedin, Instagram, Pinterest etc. Okay… so these social media activities. Now, video marketing. Video marketing- video promotion through paid Ads. There’s one difference.

Like- see if you have a website, where you have created a video but you need some more audience so that you can get broad range of audience. But you don’t have much resources. So what you will do? because recently created a Web site and most of the user they don’t know about your website or your services but you want to promote.

So then you will do paid advertisement…. right. So then you will use youtube and this is a very important channel -YouTube. So then we create a simple video Advertisement and then you will promote on YouTube. So once your campaign is created so then we’ll will start performing on YouTube and then you will get a more audience and you will get comments, shares, subscribers. So this is the way of video marketing. Now, content marketing- in content marketing basically you write catchy content and very important content for specifically for your products so that you get engaged right.

So, very catch & engaging content is very important in content marketing. right.. and then you will do the content outreach. Okay. Content outreach means doing any promotion for that particular content so that you can increase the reach of that content.

When you will have the more reach than you would have a more audience. When you will have the more audience means you can generate or you can drive your business or whatever is your business goal. Right… for that content marketing what you do basically?

You create a blog and then you write a particular article or topic for that blogs.

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