The Surprising Truth About Email Marketing in 2019

 Does email marketing still work? He finds that it is really hard with Google filters to make it to the inbox and people are just not even really checking their emails, so he’s not even convinced that he should use email marketing with his agency.

Well, I’m gonna answer this is two folds. First off, anytime a business operates, they need email. Yes there’s Slack, there’s Skype, there’s many other communication channels, but businesses still revolve around email, and if businesses still use it, you can bet that if you get an email in their inbox and they read it, you can generate sales.

Right. – For that reason, emails aren’t going away. Gmail ads is growing in revenue, more and more people each and every single quarter are leveraging Gmail ads just because they know emails are powerful. So the first part of your question is, are emails valuable, yes. I know that’s not really directly what you answered, but the second part, which I’ll get to is, do they still work, yes, because people still read emails. And I’m gonna show you how to get in the inbox.

So first off, the reason most people don’t get into the inbox, is because you’re sending people emails when they don’t want ’em. When people do opt ins, they’re really aggressive with their pop ups and they’re trying to force people into a newsletter or a daily email, or weekly, just acting like it’s a one of, you know, put in your email and I’ll give you this guide. And you don’t tell ’em that, hey, we’re gonna send you email each and every single week. – Right

Email Marketing
Email Marketing

And GDPR has come out, and with GDPR, and I love it you have to put a little tick box saying, yes I authorize you to send me weekly emails. So that way they know what they’re getting into and you’ll find that that increases your open rates because the people who click that tick box really want your emails. Yes your conversions are gonna go down but that’s okay, it’s not about having the most amount of emails, it’s about having emails from people who really wanna get your emails.

The second thing that most people don’t tell you with email marketing is, you need to scrub your list. If you have 100,000 email list, and that’s usually the treshold, once you hit 100,000 you’re gonna notice that your email open rates just start tanking and it’s because people don’t clean their lists often enough, I clean my list monthly. And some email providers do this, like ConvertKit does this I don’t think MailChimp does this, but I think MailChimp wants you to keep paying out money for the inactive emails. – Probably yeah. –

And the whole purpose of cleaning the emails are for the people who aren’t opening your emails and engaging, you just stop sending them emails. And by doing that yes your email list shrinks, but what you’ll find is, the people you send the emails to the engagement goes up, and Gmail and Outlook look at engagement more than anyone else and it’s a really high priority, for if they’re gonna put the email in the inbox and if you’re only sending emails to majority of the people open it and you start having 20-30{eea649be9b20682a45e14e059f7d304179b764c13e2b0eb817781d5b47685231} open rates, you’ll notice that your emails go into the inbox versus the Promotion tabs.

Right. And it is, by the way I should just say, the other day I just deleted 45,000 email addresses. – Wow. – It’s like the hardest button to press ever but these are all bounces, unsubscribes, like, and these are people who haven’t bought. So it hurts to delete it but it doesn’t matter, doesn’t, you know, so scrubbing your list is really important. – Yeah and when you send emails do you put a lot of images with your emails and videos? – Yeah. – so, what Adam does is cool. People love that.

But there’s a issue when you add in videos and, images within your emails, it tends to be where businesses send more of that, when your friends send you emails do they include a lot of images? Usually not. If they included video it’s usually a link to a video right? – Right. – That’s what also causes you to go into the Promotions tab so try to avoid putting images, graphics, fancy designs within your emails, keep ’em simple. Don’t use email templates, use text based emails and add in links.

You also don’t wanna add in more than three links to your site, I try to only do one. If you add in too many, you’re gonna notice that you also won’t see amazing deliverability. And make sure you white list your emails. So go to AOL, they white list, you can use services like Return Path. Outlook and Gmail don’t do white list services. But if you follow those tips, you’ll be good to go. And you’ll get in the inbox. Make sure you test creative subject lines like ones that your friends would actually send, lower case, things like hey did you see this, right?

Of course it needs to be relevant to your business or the offer you’re producing, if you dupe people they’re gonna get upset, I’m giving you an extreme case so you can try to have the creative juices start flowing and come up with really good ideas. But it’s not that hard to get in the inbox. Scrub your list, don’t put too many links, don’t add images and videos, and only send to people who really want ’em.

I actually just say the final point, I don’t know and Neil I’m sure you implied it but, always add value in your emails- – Yes that’s huge. – Just like add value, don’t spam. And I see, especially in the relation, dating, relationship industry, lot of spam emails but even in business– – So much spam. –

They collect the emails and then before you know it they send three emails that day, all just buy, buy, buy, buy, Neil’s emails, he sends I think, what, four a week? – Four a week max, yeah. – And they’re all content. – All content. – So how much, like, you know, you’re just building up so much good will with your audience so if he ever sent something and was like, hey buy this, I’d be like, done- – Yes and they do, funny enough. I did that once and it generated like.

Ryan Dice helped me and it generated like six figures or not even, not well into six figures, but something like 100 and something thousand bucks. Within like, one email, and then I felt bad ’cause I was like charging people stuff so I’m like Return, and just stop. And I’m like I give it away for free.

That’s crazy. – But it works. (laughing) I felt bad and I’m like ah, I never charged for it before over emails and I’m like I couldn’t do it. – Wow, okay look at this guy, this is how much value he’s trying to give to you guys so come on, leave a comment on this one.

Yes, leave a comment, I do make money. I make money through large corporations so I’m like, of course I had to monetize some way but hum, if you like the content we’re giving, leave a comment, ask a question, we may answer it in next week’s Q and A Thursday video, worst case, I’ll respond to your comment no matter what. Thank you for watching, let other people know about the video. Appreciate you watching and taking the time out of your day.

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