Use of Google Analytics for tracking

Google Analytics
Google Analytics

Landing pages show you the main pages of your site visitors are landing on when they click on queries for the term that you are ranking for in Google. And there is also we have here are very similar to the queries we saw earlier. So we can see the page for speaking skills bringing in the second most amount of traffic. And geographical summary tells you where your most searched traffic is coming from country wise. And as you can see this blog is doing pretty well in India and the US.

And the first page over here tells you your top ten countries, but you could, you know, click on the arrow and get into more detail. Moving on to behavior. Now the overview over here is pretty much just the repeat of what we saw earlier so I am going to skip that. But if I click on behavior flow, it gives us another one of those flow charts showing the path that visitors take and it’s based on landing pages but you can change that of course.

Then we have site content. Now I am going to skip the first three because they are pretty general and self-explanatory, but I am going to explain exit pages. Exit pages like I mentioned earlier are the last pages that your visitors viewed before leaving your site. And they are considered problematic areas because you want people to stay on your site for as long as possible.

And you want to prevent them from exiting as long as you possibly can. So it is great that Google Analytics lets you know your exit pages so that you can improve on those areas. A solution to that here would be to interlink posts, so after reading your posts your visitors find another post to read so that way they stay on the site much longer. Site speed tells you information on your site’s loading time, such as the page load time, redirection time, page download time and more.

If you click on page timings it shows you your pages and if I click on average page load time it gives me the load time per second. The ones over here in red are the problem pages that possibly have a really large image or too many images or just some back end error that is really slowing down the page. And you really want to look into these pages because site speed is one of the ranking factors in Google. Speed suggestions is great because Google Analytics sort of run a test on your pages analyzes the speed and gives you suggestions on how to improve speed of those pages, so you should definitely look into this.

So if I click on the first page over here starts analyzing the page and ends up giving me suggestions on how to improve the speed. So that’s something that is really interesting. Then we have site search. Now site search has not been set up on this blog, but site search mainly gives information on how the search engine on your site is being used and by searching engine on your site I mainly mean the Google search bar that some blogs have on their site.

The site search report provides information on how many of the visitors on your site use the search engine on it and what they search for. Event tracking lets you track your use end tracking such as downloads, ad clicks, [slash] elements, video plays and much more. And then we have the AdSense area. Now Troy’s blog is not monetized so I am not going to be able to give too much information about AdSense but I am still going to give a brief introduction.

AdSense area over here gives you a little summary of what’s going on with your adsense account. How much money you are making with your ads, the number of ad clicks you are getting, which ad sizes are doing better than others. So that is basically all I can tell you about AdSense in relation to this analytics account. We do have an entire AdSense tutorial planned for the future, so stay tuned for that video. Experiments lets you test different learning pages to see which ones help in the goal completion. It allows you to test up to five different variations of the page.

So basically you fill your URL and you click on start experimenting and I won’t be able to show that because I am not account administrator but it’s all pretty basic. Then we have conversions. The first thing we have in relation to that is goals. Now goals help you in measuring how well your site achieves its targets. So it helps in keeping track of conversions that take place.

E-commerce is a way to use for selling a product on your site so it refers to all e-commerce activity on your site. And multi-channel funnel is basically give you an idea of how your marketing channels work together to generate sales and conversions. And reports are generated for conversion paths and the sequences of interaction that takes place and lead up to each conversion and transaction.

Attribution, which we did before as well, just evaluates the effectiveness of your channels and traces your visitors paths to conversions. So that was an explanation of Google Analytics. I hope this video helped you all in understanding analytics better and I hope it helps you in analyzing your account for your blog or site. If you have any questions then please comment down below and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks a lot for watching and don’t forget to visit our blog at

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