Voice Search Optimization | How to optimise in 2019

Voice Search Optimization | How to optimise in 2019

We will talk about voice search SEO explaining to you why it matters . What you can do to stay ahead.

Do that did you know that by 2021 early adapter brands. That redesigned their website for visual and voice search. Increase their digital commerce revenue by up to 30{eea649be9b20682a45e14e059f7d304179b764c13e2b0eb817781d5b47685231}. We are not making this game. This is in fact the number one prediction. myskywings.online

The world’s leading research and advisory company which recently released. Its list of top strategic predictions for 2018. Beyond now here is a quick comparison. To understand the difference between text search and voice search suppose.

I want to know more about Steve Jobs. Now if I have to do that by making a text query. I will go to Google and simply Google out his name entering Steve Jobs.

Factors affecting voice search

I have to do the same by using voice queries I would be using. I would be saying something like who is Steve Jobs you notice. Difference in the accuracy of the results now that’s the beauty of voice search.

A voice search simply takes all of the guesswork out of the searching. The popularity of voice search is rising by each passing day and here is an important metric.

Voice Search Optimisation
Voice Search Optimisation
  • Long Tail Keywords

You need to consider voice and image searches are going to make at least 50{eea649be9b20682a45e14e059f7d304179b764c13e2b0eb817781d5b47685231} of all the searches by 2020 as for the merrymakers internet trends report for to know what changes.

We need to make in your website to optimize it for voice and conversational search queries the first thing that you have to do is to think like a online shopper the four micro movements that trigger an online search include.

  • Local Searches

Now a days as per google’s data, local searches are increasing tremendously.

People who can’t type or find typing a tedious job, does simple voice search using Google Assistant in android and sery in iphone.

Keyword I want to do and the last one is I want to buy mobile conversation rates are increasing every day which means that more and more consumers are looking and researching for the information.

In the store before making a purchase before even starting off with any on page activity you might want to fine-tune your website for any of these micro movements.

For example if you are a retail business you might want to find you in your website for the I want to buy search query the second thing is understanding a user’s search intent.

Also Read : App Store Optimisation


Google hummingbird a search engine algorithm first introduced in 2013. Brought semantic search into the central stage with this update. Google began to decipher the search intent of an online user.  With far more accuracy and started delivering results. According to the inputted queries while optimizing your web content.

To handle voice searches you should structure your content around things such as na P.  Which is the name address and phone number of your business opening and closing hours. Or any other query that aims to address the who what when where why and how of your business the third thing is adding an FAQ space did.

You know that 20{eea649be9b20682a45e14e059f7d304179b764c13e2b0eb817781d5b47685231} of the mobile searches are voice based and this is coming from the google CEO. Sundar Pichai is your website properly optimized to serve these voice based queries. When immediate step that you can take is to create.

FAQ page or revamp the current want to address the queries originating. From mobile users the fourth thing. Improving your website’s speed today navigation of searches. Constitute for a big chunk of voice searches rendering these searches as quickly as possible is a demand key.

It is therefore important for you to make sure that your website loads quickly. There is no lag in terms of user experience on your website.

The last thing is optimizing your website for a natural conversational language. The mary meeker trend report also states that nearly 70{eea649be9b20682a45e14e059f7d304179b764c13e2b0eb817781d5b47685231} of all the searches made.

  • Conclusion:

Online are in natural or conversational languages thereby a conversational question. That one can put to its smartphone can be much more specific in nature. This is the correct time to optimize your web content to accommodate all the voice queries.

Originating from mobile users which are much more specific in nature. If you need more tips or if you want to get full benefit. Of the rising number of voice searches reaches out now you

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