What is Search Engine Optimization | SEO for begineers

Google search page and why it is important to be on the first page of Google because as per the research, mostly users don’t go to the second or third per page for their search query. myskywings.online

They simply just scroll down the page and then they see only the last result on the first page. So that’s why the probability of getting any order or leads from your website results is much more than on the other pages. because users don’t bother to go for the second or third page.

What he will do simply, if he’s if he’s looking for a cheap online shoe. But if he is not able to find then he will simply change that keyword to “buy Nike shoe”….right. And for Nike shoe Amazon is also on the first page, on the first position. So this is the… that’s why it’s very important to be on first page.


And whenever user type on these keywords. on these links, on these Web sites then it’s free of like you are not paying anything not even a single penny if user clicking on that.

That’s why called organic. A free results. So if you are on the first page for that particular, for the keyword. For any keyword if you are on the first page and on the first position. This is the page, the whole page and this is the position.

So if you’re on the first page on the first position it means there is a lot of probability to get your conversion successfully, get your order successfully and it’s very easy and most important it’s free. If i click thousand of times on this link nothing gonna be paid from Amazon. So that’s why it’s very important because you will get the orders.

You’ll get the whole order free of cost. That’s very very important so this is called SEO guys… Okay. So now let’s jump into the next topic. This is called PPC AD or Google Adwords. As i have given you an example here. I have coverd SEO, then PPC ADS. What is PPC Ads?. PPC ADs stands for Pay Per Click ADs. These Ads generally show on the search engine like Google, Bing, Yahoo. PPC Ads appear along with the paid or natural search result. See this is a paid one. This is called natural or organic results as i have shown you in the previous slide in SEO part.

So the search engine is then paid every time when user click on the sponsor ads. Basically the PPC is only terminology. OK. So PPC ads stands for Pay Per Click means whenever any user will click on that particular link or on that particular AD. You will have to pay. Thats why its called paid advertisement or pay per click ad. Now what is google Adwords? Google Adwords simply online marketing tool. Or you can say an interface which is created by Google to run promotional campaigns.

Now, i will give you an example of PPC Ad. Okay.. we’ll just go over the same keyword “Buy Shoe Online” This is the Advertisement which we are seeing right now. This is called Paid Ad. So, if i will click on this ad, if i will click any of these websites. This website will have to pay the amount to the Google. So it’s called paid Ads. Now, let’s try with the another keyword “Buy books online”…. Okay.

On this keyword particularly. There is no, yes there are two paid advertisements. This is called paid advertisements. So when I clicked on the Snapdeal link “one Indian girl” this is a book. So when I click on the one book link. Then it means some amount has been deducted from snapdeal’s google Ad account or Adwords account to the Google.

Now, let’s say another example “buy car online”. …okay Another here is a example – “buy mobile online” These are the examples of paid advertisemetns and these are natural. If i will click on this link then snapdeal will not have to pay a single penny. But when I click on this, this is the same link of snapdeal so then snapdeal will have to pay some amount to the Google. So this called the paid Advertisement…. Okay. there is another example buy television….Buy TV online… Okay See these are there the example.

Actually right now you know why i am searching with the different keyword. I just want to show you the advertisement like this is also an Advertisement but i think right now no one is running any paid campaign or search campaign or search advertisement. OK so let’s try with the another one. Buy Mobile online, Buy T-shirts online, sorry Guys..Buy Tshirts Online.

Right now i think on these keywords no. Search Ads are running. By the way, these ads are called shopping ads like in this Ad you’ll see image, description and the price. These ads are called shopping Ad. It’s also part of Google ads these are called shopping Ads. But what I want, i want you to show you search Ads. like as i have given in the previous slide. Let me See.

This kind of Ads. See- “buy car online”. These are the search Ads of Google. Right. This is also advertisement. So if i click on that particular link, car&bike will have to pay some amount. so this is called PPC advertisement. but if i have typed, here.. So Myntra will not have to pay anything.. This is major difference between PPC and search engine optimization. Right. So that’s why it’s called PPC Ad pay per click Ad, then now next is Google adverts.

You know sometimes you heard that. OKay. I’m google adwords expert or sometimes you i am ppc expert. what is the difference? What’s the difference?. There’s there’s not a single difference. That is same. Basically, Google Adwords is a tool. right? To run your PPC Ad. here you can see google adwords is an online marketing tool or you can say an interface which is created by Google to run the promotional campaigns. 4

These are the campaigns. So PPC Ads, Google advertisements both are same. And guys as I have given you an example of PPC Ad or Google search engine. Similarly, You can also do in Bing & Yahoo. Okay… Because they are also Search engine. On bing, same PPC ads you can run on another search engine which is Bing or Yahoo. So, if you’re running your’s advertisement or Ads on Google search engine that would be called or that would be Google Adwords Ads.

Same campaigns or Ads, if you’re running on Bing then it would be Bing Ads. If running your ads on Yahoo search engine. That would be Yahoo Ads. concept and terminology, methods all are same. So this is called PPC Ads. what next. Social Media Marketing. OK. Social Media Marketing refers to the process of gaining websites traffic or attention through social media sites.

Social media marketing programs usually center on efforts to creates content that attracts attention and great readers, who share it with their social network. It is so simple. Don’t get confused. If you are promoting any product or service through social media as I’ve already told you. It’s called Social Media Marketing and what kind of social media marketing? you can see. Or you can do that see here.. this is social media marketing.

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